Story: The Wedding Guest Explained

So when I said I was going to explain the imagery in this story I didn't actually realise how long it'll take me to do and I also realised that everyone I spoke to about the story each had their different interpretations of the imagery used.  INSPIRED  BY PROVERBS CHAPTER 7 AND LIKE MY OTHER STORIES, THE … Continue reading Story: The Wedding Guest Explained

Music: The Vibe According To… Nonso Amadi and Khalid

Nono Amadi (@Nonso_A) When the 21 year-old, Nigerian-Canadian (Canadian-Nigerian) released "Radio" produced by Juls I just had a feeling that 2017 will turn out to be this young man's year. My Twitter TL is a testament to this. I discovered his music by chance, last summer, while watching the Nigerian web series "Discovering ABJ" (episode … Continue reading Music: The Vibe According To… Nonso Amadi and Khalid

Music: Five Vibes Vol. 1

My first music post this year! Back in December I decided to spend an evening sharing music via Snapchat and it was suggested that I start Spotify Playlists... but like many things that don't work here (i.e. Facetime), creating Spotify Playlists won't be possible right now. Till then I'll be sharing five songs I'm enjoying in any … Continue reading Music: Five Vibes Vol. 1

Life: No New Friends

I closed my Bible, switched off the light and cried. The fact that Nehemiah's donkey couldn't make it up the rubble of the ruined city walls wasn't what moved me to tears (albeit Biblical), what caused me to cry was indeed the title of a Drake song I've never actually heard (my cousin Tumi would be … Continue reading Life: No New Friends

Music: Everything Adekunle Touches is Gold

Release Date: 28 July 2016 | Record Label: YBNL The last week of July Adekunle Gold released his especially anticipated album, aptly named 'Gold'. I remember sending a text to my friend, asking her to be my voice reason when it came to spending money on iTunes to buy this album (I just moved and every … Continue reading Music: Everything Adekunle Touches is Gold