Music: The Vibe According To… Nonso Amadi and Khalid

Nono Amadi (@Nonso_A) When the 21 year-old, Nigerian-Canadian (Canadian-Nigerian) released "Radio" produced by Juls I just had a feeling that 2017 will turn out to be this young man's year. My Twitter TL is a testament to this. I discovered his music by chance, last summer, while watching the Nigerian web series "Discovering ABJ" (episode … Continue reading Music: The Vibe According To… Nonso Amadi and Khalid

Music: Everything Adekunle Touches is Gold

Release Date: 28 July 2016 | Record Label: YBNL The last week of July Adekunle Gold released his especially anticipated album, aptly named 'Gold'. I remember sending a text to my friend, asking her to be my voice reason when it came to spending money on iTunes to buy this album (I just moved and every … Continue reading Music: Everything Adekunle Touches is Gold